Newest available treatment for muscle and fat in lateral abdomen
RYE, NEW YORK. – 5-23-23 – Julie Pipolo, owner of Skin Westchester, introduces a groundbreaking new approach to treating the lateral abdomen – the first and only non-invasive procedure that simultaneously addresses both Muscle and Fat in the lateral abdomen in just 30 minutes.
EMSCULPT NEO® is considered a breakthrough treatment in non-invasive body shaping. Finally, it brings the solution for the most desirable area – the lateral abdomen. We are delighted to announce that Edge treatment is now available in our practice. This revolutionary procedure simultaneously delivers heat and magnetic energy resulting in more fat reduction and muscle growth than any single stand-alone gold standard procedure. In addition, Edge treatment offers patients the biggest spot size in the industry combining HIFEM+ and RF technologies in a single applicator. FDA-cleared for non-invasive lipolysis of the abdomen and improvement of abdominal tone, strengthening of the abdominal muscles, and development of a firmer abdomen, Edge treatment by Emsculpt NEO® helps patients achieve next-level contouring results.
“The current approach to treat lateral abdomen is mainly through the circumferential reduction; however, overall body contour is affected by muscle structure as well,” “Treatment with the Edge Applicators goes beyond waistline reduction to address contouring through muscle tone, so I’m thrilled to offer this combination to my patients now,” added Julie Pipolo of Skin Westchester
Edge applicators treat four fat spots and all oblique muscles simultaneously in just 30 minutes. Whether you seek a reduction in abdominal circumference or improvement of your oblique muscle tone, you might be a great candidate for this procedure. The therapy feels like an intense workout with a warming sensation in the treated area. You can lay down and relax during the treatment.

For optimal results, Julie recommends four 30-minute treatments in a weekly session. The best results will be seen after 3 months. For treatment pricing, please contact us.